Mission, Vision and Values
Everfull's Board of Directors updated our mission, vision and values in 2023.
Everfull’s mission is to give older Kansans the opportunity to live well with proper nutrition by providing in-person meals, home-delivered meals, social contact, and connection to their communities.
Everfull serves older Kansans so they may remain essential contributors to their communities while maintaining greater independence and a stronger sense of self-worth.
Healthy Meals Change Lives: We acknowledge that the ability to live at home longer directly correlates with eating better.
Generosity and Service: We are sustained by kindness while serving participants and communities where we live, work, and play. The service of volunteers and staff is vital to executing our mission.
Teamwork: We celebrate each person associated with Aging Projects, Inc. as a valuable team player. We are stronger when we all work together.
Dignity and Fairness: We believe all individuals deserve to live with dignity and equal opportunity.
Stewardship: We hold ourselves to the highest standards in every aspect of operations including the responsible use of available resources, quality of service provided, and fiscal responsibility.