API Staff
Feb 11, 2023
From the National Foundation To End Senior Hunger, comes a report on how a small rural community in upper New York came together to address hunger needs.
 Organizations, churches and businesses were invited to host a community gathering to watch a film about food insecurity in the US. More than 150 came to view that film. Out of that showing, a commitment to help people become more aware of hunger and food insecurity was born. Regular press releases and emails along with a website helped to get the word out.
 A day was planned at a local church with activities to draw people together and to provide information. There were tables representing the Community Gardens, Legal Aid Society, and area Food Pantries. A special area was set up with all information, paper, stamps and envelopes necessary to write congressional representatives.
 The day was concluded with a pig roast and a concert. Monies raised after the expenses went to area pantries. Lessons were learned that day on how to improve events like this for the future.