API Staff
Dec 3, 2022
The Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act of 2010 meant to combat obesity and ensure that children eat healthy and balanced meals has merit, but also brings along higher costs.
 School systems have found that following the guidelines to this program is a challenge. Although they are in favor of balanced nutritious meals, the costs of purchasing more expensive food and seeing students eating less due to diet changes has them concerned.
 One superintendent of a large school district in Kansas took her concerns to Washington and met with the Kansas elected officials to review the impact this was having. School districts rely on income from serving lunches to help cover their lunch programs. Students eating less meals will impact their general funds to help cover the cost.
 These regulations impact the senior nutrition programs with the same potential problems. Revenues are important for these programs to exist.
 The Kansas delegation indicated they understood the concerns and were pressing committees to review the new guidelines to add more flexibility to them.